Turtles, turtles, turtles!

One of the wonderful things about living on the lake and driving the road in the month of June is seeing the turtles. They seem to have an amazing way of knowing when we are going to have a good rain and so out they come to lay their eggs. A couple of weeks ago, as I drove along the North Shore Road, I saw several turtles – as you can see, the Snapping Turtle was busy laying her eggs, and another more relaxed painted turtle was just out for a little walk…..of course, it was right in the middle of the road so I got out and gently persuaded it to continue across to the safety of the grass.  A neighbour carefully put a cover over eggs that were laid on their driveway – This way, rain and sun can get to the eggs, but no raccoons will be able to dig them up! With luck in a couple of months we will have some baby turtles.



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